dfs.h File Reference

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template<typename GraphType , typename OutputIter >
OutputIter alglib::graph::_single_preorder_dfs (const GraphType &G, const typename GraphType::vertex_type &start, vertex_property< GraphType, bool > &visited, OutputIter dest)
template<typename GraphType , typename OutputIter >
OutputIter alglib::graph::single_preorder_dfs (const GraphType &G, const typename GraphType::vertex_type &start, OutputIter dest)
template<typename GraphType , typename OutputIter >
OutputIter alglib::graph::_single_postorder_dfs (const GraphType &G, const typename GraphType::vertex_type &start, vertex_property< GraphType, bool > &visited, OutputIter dest)
template<typename GraphType , typename OutputIter >
OutputIter alglib::graph::single_postorder_dfs (const GraphType &G, const typename GraphType::vertex_type &start, OutputIter dest)
template<typename GraphType , typename OutputIter >
OutputIter alglib::graph::preorder_dfs (const GraphType &G, const typename GraphType::vertex_type start, OutputIter dest)
template<typename GraphType , typename OutputIter >
OutputIter alglib::graph::preorder_dfs (const GraphType &G, OutputIter dest)
template<typename GraphType , typename OutputIter >
OutputIter alglib::graph::postorder_dfs (const GraphType &G, const typename GraphType::vertex_type start, OutputIter dest)
template<typename GraphType , typename OutputIter >
OutputIter alglib::graph::postorder_dfs (const GraphType &G, OutputIter dest)