Design of the Graph Library

Established tenets

  • An undirected_graph is a directed_graph.
  • Provide several types of iterators to iterate over the graph.
  • Provide nested types for outsiders to work with it.
  • Ownership : The graph creates a copy of the vertices and edges object edges that are passed to it. It becomes the sole owner of those copies. Cleaning up is, thus, the responsibility of the graph class.
  • Handling big objects:

Design Patterns Used

  • Iterator Pattern
    Intent: To traverse vertices/edges of a graph. There are four types of iterators: vertex iterator, edge iterator plus their constant versions. The iterators either traverse the entire graph or only vertices/edges adjacent to a vertex. These iterator types and their interfaces remain the same across all the graphs and thus can be used to write generic algorithms.
  • Decorator Pattern

Graph API

Undirected Graph

1 // vertex opertions
2 add_vertex (const vertex& v);
3 delete_vertex (const vertex& v);
5 // edge operations
6 add_edge (const vertex_t& u, const vertex_t& v);
7 add_edge (const edge_t<vertex_t, attr_t>& edge);
8 delete_edge (const vertex_t u, const vertex_t v);
9 delete_edge (const edge_t<vertex_t, attr_t>& edge);
10 get_attr (const vertex_t& u, const vertex_t& v);
12 // Iterators
13 // vertex, edge and adjacency iterators.

Graph Classes Hierarchy

Vertices and Edges


It is a user-defined class with only requirement that it be LessThanComparable.


It is also a user-defined class and thus can have any composition. However, there are few requirements that the graph classes and the algorithms on it place on the edge class. For instance, dijkstra's algorithm requires:

1 concept edge {
2  vertex& from();
3  vertex& to();
4  LessThanComparable& weight();
5 };

An edge class can have a richer interface, only that it must support the above interface.

Design Choices

Directed vs Undirected Graphs

Weighted vs Unweighted Graphs

  • weight, among other things, is a property of an edge. The graph classes need not care about it. Only the algorithms on weighted graph require weight as a property of an edge.

How do we make algorithms that operate both on weighted and unweighted graph?
An algorithm on a weighted graph always requires wieghts associated with edges. When considering an unweighted graph, it is an implicit assumption that all the weights are 1 unit. Hence, we require an automatic conversion of an unweighted graph to a weighted graph with every edge weighted by 1 unit. The unwted_to_wted function does this.

Adjaceny List vs Adjacency Matrix

The graph classes, for now, support only the adjaceny list implementation. In case it is required, one can simply inherit from the graph interface and create his own implemenation.
An alternative strategy is to synthesize adjacency matrix of given graph object at the time of its usage.

Creating Other Graph Types