alglib::string Namespace Reference


size_t naive_str_matching (const std::string &text, const std::string &pattern)
size_t rabin_karp (const std::string &text, const std::string &pattern)
size_t horspool (const std::string &text, const std::string &pattern)
size_t kmp (const std::string &text, const std::string &pattern)
 Performs substring search in a given string. More...

Function Documentation

size_t alglib::string::horspool ( const std::string &  text,
const std::string &  pattern 
109  {
111  int skip_table[UCHAR_MAX + 1];
112  int n = text.length(), m = pattern.length();
114  // Initialize each of the index of the shift table to m.
115  std::fill_n(skip_table, UCHAR_MAX + 1, m);
117  // Compute the skip table for the given pattern.
118  for(int i = 0; i < m - 1; i++) {
119  skip_table[pattern[i]] = m - i - 1;
120  }
122  // Do the string comparison
124  // align the pattern shifted with s in [0, n-m] with the text
125  for(int shift = 0; shift <= n - m;) {
127  // For every shift, start comparing from back
128  int i = m - 1;
130  // Keep moving to the right until a mismatch is detected.
131  while(i >= 0 && (text[shift + i] == pattern[i]))
132  i--;
134  if(i == -1)
135  // if the pattern matched completely with the text
136  return shift;
138  shift += skip_table[text[shift + m - 1]];
139  }
141  return std::string::npos;
143 }
size_t alglib::string::kmp ( const std::string &  text,
const std::string &  pattern 

Performs substring search in a given string.

textThe text in which the pattern is to be searched
patternThe string to be searched
The starting position of the first occurence of pattern in text
151  {
154 }
size_t alglib::string::naive_str_matching ( const std::string &  text,
const std::string &  pattern 

The naive algorithm checks for the equivalence of pattern P with the substring of the text T[s:s+m-1] starting with the shift s = 0 and going all the way to s = n-m.

Performance The best case occurs when the substring with shift = 0 matches the pattern giving a time complexity of O(m). The worst case occurs when the pattern matches all but the last character of the m-substring produced by each of the shift. In this case, the time complexity is O((n-m)m). In the average case, the expected succesful consecutive character matches while comparing a random pattern with a random m-substring is given by: Summation of [(1/len(Σ))^k * (len(Σ)-1)/len(Σ)] * (k+1) from k = 0 to m where the quantity in [] is the probability of having k successful matches followed by one unsuccesful match. For english alphabet, the summation is close to 1. Hence, in average case the time complexity is O(n-m).

Proof of Correctness Supposing that T[s, s+m-1] = P, the match will be detected in the sth iteration of the loop. If however a match doesn't exist, the test will fail in each of the iteration and a no-match-found identifier will be returned.

27  {
34  int s = 0;
35  int n = text.length(), m = pattern.length();
36  for(s = 0; s <= n - m; s++)
37  // Loop Invariant : The pattern doesn't exist in T[0:s-1] but may exist
38  // in T[s, n].
39  if(text.substr(s, m) == pattern)
40  return s;
42  return std::string::npos;
66 }
size_t alglib::string::rabin_karp ( const std::string &  text,
const std::string &  pattern 

The Rabin-Karp algorithm computes a hash of the m-substring with shift s and then compares it with the pattern. It gains on the naive algorithm by using a rolling hash function which allows one to compute hash value of T[s+1:s+m] from T[s:s+m-1] in constant time.

78  {
86  int m = pattern.length();
87  int n = text.length();
88  const long int R = 10;
89  long int pattern_hash = poly_hash(pattern, m);
90  long int text_hash = poly_hash(text, m);
91  long int R_m_minus_1 = std::pow(R, m - 1);
93  if(pattern_hash == text_hash)
94  if(pattern == text.substr(0, m))
95  return 0;
96  for(int s = 1; s <= n - m; s++) {
97  text_hash = (text_hash - R_m_minus_1 * text[s-1]) * R + text[s + m - 1];
98  if(pattern_hash == text_hash)
99  if(pattern == text.substr(s, m))
100  return s;
101  }
103  return std::string::npos;
104 }